The mother dog and her puppies are crying desperately for help as a result of the earthquake and landslide.
Mother dog & her puppies desperate crying for help after an earthquake then landslide occurred..
Soner Buyumez, a veterinarian assistant, had been at work on a farm in an isolated area in the Develi district of Kayseri, Turkey after an earthquake and then a local landslide occurred. While crossing the road, he heard the cries of a frightened dog. He immediately ran to the area where he heard the noise and spotted a mound of soil; a dog had been trapped up to her neck.Воистину доброта спасёт мир. Какие замечательные люди. Столько сил для спасения собаки и щенков. Спасли и взяли домой чтобы обеспечить достойную жизнь. Божьего благословения и долгих лет счастливой жизни Вам, вашим родным и близким.
A good name is lucky. we found a dog that was hit by a car and left to die we called him Lucky, He lived his full life. I am crying tears of joy, that you were able to safe her. She is so special and will make someone a very loving, loyal and grateful friend. She deserves a loving home. I’m so grateful for you paw squadron! I’m so thankful for all that you do for these precious babies! God will bless you for helping these precious creatures, and for the people who abuse and neglect will get bad karma ten to 100 fold! Thanks for all that you do… I’m sending you and your team blessings, love and light! How can people do that? Its unacceptable and heartbreaking. Thank you This is why i ❤ Paw Squadron. I don’t want to see animals suffer but I think this is something everyone should see how bad it is . Seeing what they do to help little puppies and our dog friends is something that makes me smile and think that more people should do the same
This is a dire emergency if I ever saw one. How can anyone be so full of the devil that they’d do something like this to a poor innocent animal. Just evil. You are so gentle with these special babies, thank you for taking such good and gentle care of all those you rescue! I don’t know if she was a stray or abandoned, but I can’t understand why no one helped before. Thank you to the person who phoned it though. This sweet little pup needed lots of attention and help, just to survive. It’s great that she got that help. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her the life she deserves. So happy that you managed to save her as she looked close to death. She is so very cute and sweet and will make someone a brilliant friend and companion, I think you should call her Pinky because of her pink paws! God bless you for what you do Thanks to everyone, the phone caller, the rescue team and the doc’s, she’s a beautiful puppy and thaks to all she hopefully will have a long good life. You people are awesome for all you do for these poor and defenseless animals. May your God bless you guys whomever it may be. Much love and respect to you all. Very beautiful dog such a sweet innocent angel. i am glad you were able to reach out to her on time. it was sad to see her suffering all alone there on the rural area. thanks again. Robert here, Ex USN CPO Desert Storm, got teary when finally eating! Happiness is a laughing babies and puppies wagging tails, God bless this rescue and recovery!!!! I love Dogs so much. I was heartbroken to see the first part – what a wretched horrible God-forsaken man would abandon this innocent baby 😢. Bless your heart for bringing her back from the edge. Thank God for kind people like you I love the work you do!! I wish I wasn’t poor so I could do more than like and share. What country are you in that there are so many stray dogs? Thank you!